Diabetes is inability of Pancreas Cells to produce required quantity of Insuline for digestion of blood sugar. In treatment of Diabetic patients, in conventional method, required quantity of insulin is administered from outside.
Aloevera in Diabe CG Liquid has property of Cell regeneration which increases the number and functional capacity of cells in pancreas. Regenerated new and functional capacity improved cells start secreting the insulin. |
''Good biological vehicle'' property of Aloevera, we have utilized to get results of other products helpful in combating diabetes. |
Gulvel : |
Prevents excess release of sugars stored in the liver (liver glycogen) |
Prevents excess breakdown (catabolism) of sugars stored in muscle (muscle glycogen), thereby preventing excess conversion of lactic acid to blood sugar in the liver, and |
Improves glucose utilization related to muscle-glycogen release and lactic acid/blood sugar conversion, a process normally compromised in diabetic subjects. |
Amalaki is known for its antioxidant property. Not just it controls blood sugar but works on pancreas. |
Amongst the other pharmacology, Jambun helps in increasing the activity of hexokinase & decreasing the activity of glucose-6-phosphatase. Thus it shows reduced blood sugar level. |
The impact of results of Aloe Vera increases the effectiveness of combined molecules; Gulvel, Amalaki, Jamun. its cell regeneration property helps in increasing functional capacity of pancreas to combat Diabetes and imorove the functional capacity of other systems of body..heart, kidney, eyes, etc.. . |
Thus Diabe CG Liquid reduces the impact of Sugar on other body organs, eliminating the root cause of diabetes. |
Reference : |
Effect of Syzigium cumini extracts on hexokinase and glucose-6-phoshatase in experimental diabetes. P. Stanely Mainzen Prince, et.al |
Amalaki herb extract, side effects and safety, health benefit by Ray Sahelian, M.D. |
Gulvel - Herbal Approaches to Diabetes and Hyperglycemia. James J. Gormley |
Antidiabetogenic Effects of Separate and Composite Extract of Seed of Jamun (Eugenia jambolana) and Root of Kadali (Muza paradisiaca) in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Male Albino Rat: A Comparative study (2006). Chhanda Mallick. |
Ingredients : |
Aloe Vera extract, Gulvel extract, Amalki extract, Jambul extract |
Indications : |
Anti diabetic. |
Cell regeneration. |
Immuno stimulant. |
Doses : |
30 ml once a day, more if Blood Sugar is more than 200mg/dl. |
Direction : |
15 ml twice a day or thrice a day in case of severity or as advised
by Physician. |