Alpsora Syrup |
Psoriasis, in Greek language refers to itching, which is inherited, non-contagious and is a autoimmune disorder, where red abrasions with silvery patches are observed.
These lesions create plaques which look like numerous layers on skin. These lesions can range from small papules to large and can cover entire part of body. Infections, emotional & physical stress and usages of certain medicines are some of the causes or reasons to increase the psoriasis. |
Psoriasis being cell disorder, the cell regeneration property of Aloe Vera helps to get rid of this problem if consumed orally. Gulvel (Tinospora Cordifolia) is well known for its hipatic stimulant, diuretic & cooling effect. Its anti-oxident, anti-ulcer activity enhances the body strength and immunity. Both in combination, working at cellular level, strengthen the capacity of cells to overcome the disorder of cell multiplication. |
Alpsora Syrup @ 30 to 50 ml twice a day or even increased dose, in case of severity, gives best results. Healing, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, emolient & soothing properties of Aloevera when combined with Gulvel extract help in overcoming the disorder of cell multiplication alongwith secondary physiological problems. |
ALOXIPSORA SKIN GEL Aloe Vera gel alongwith Neem extract & Castor oil, help in curing the lesions reducing itching, clearing secondary infections, if any. It penetrates through all seven layers of skin giving soothing effect, reducing infections & thus the itching. |
ALOE GEL 100% helps in keeping the skin moist, wet and thus free from irritation. Being softened, the plaque on the skin is detached and easily removed from skin. Moisturizing effect of Aloe Gel 100%, when applied on whole body keep the patient itching free & cheerful through out the day. |
Eczema, Scabies : |
Above products also have good effect on Irritating Boils, Scabies, chronic Eczema, Fungal infections.
Ingredients: : |
Aloevera gel 100 % , Gulvel - Guduchi Extract. |